2022-06-02 - Hultafors group

Iris van Wanrooij selected 2022 SDG Pioneer

Iris, Program Manager Corporate Social Responsibility at EMMA Safety Footwear, has been chosen as one of the 10 SDG Pioneers of the UN Global Compact.

She has been chosen as the pioneer for Supply Chain Sustainability!

The SDG Pioneers are chosen because of their commitment in working towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the implementation of the UN Global Compact Ten Principles on human rights, environment, labour and anti-corruption.

Let's all congratulate Iris for this great achievement!

Read more on the UN Global Compact website: https://unglobalcompact.org/sdgs/sdgpioneers/2022/wanrooij

2022-06-02 - Hultafors group

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